What is a podcast and why would I want to listen?
- On demand audio content delivered to your preferred device
- Platform to hear from experts in a variety of areas
- Connect to like-minded people but also hear different opinions
- Honest and lively talk
- Experience a nuanced approach to money and financial decisions (there will be a quiz at the end)
- Learn peoples “money stories”, the good, the bad, the sad, the funny
- Experience a paradigm shift once we begin connecting in a new way with our communities
How do I provide value to my audience?
- Introduce…… the variety of ways we relate to money (instinctive, emotional, practical/ spiritual
- Elevate……… our consciousness with honest
- Establish……….. an upper level of awareness in our lives
- Create……a safe space for people to explore their money pasts
- Accountability…….offer customized plans to solve or mitigate past money habits

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Recent Reviews
46: The Journey Day 4 – Commitment (Pick the Day)
[iframe style="border:none" src="//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5836340/height/100/width/600/thumbnail/yes/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/531333/custom-color/c3e357" height="100" width="600" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen...
read more45: The Journey Part 3: The Research
As you know, I'm on a journey of self-reflection and discovering where I am going on my business journey. I've come to realize at my age, is that I've spent a lot of my life being in conflict with what I really wanted to do vs. what others wanted me to do. I'm now...
read more44: The Journey Part 2 – The Catalyst
In the last episode, I told you about my new journey of reflection that I was embarking on based on the Thyroid Adrenal Revolution Book by Dr. Aviva Rom.. Today, I want to share with you the catalyst for my journey. I wanted to go inward to get my physical...
read more43: The Journey Part 1: Willingness
I'm in the process of figuring out my business and how I want to support myself, which is a big part of financial karma. The path I'm currently following is based on The Thyroid Adrenal Revolution by Dr. Aviva Rom. I'll be sharing more about that in future...
read more42: Day 23 FB Live: I Made It
This episode wraps up my daily FB Live challenge. I forced myself to do this during my busiest time of the year (tax season)! I'm glad I made it. I've learned some lessons from doing this exercise. I've learned things about myself as...
read more41: Day 22 FB Live – We’re All on Welfare, But Not to Worry
One way or another we all take from others – from our families, from the government or others that we aren’t even aware of. So now we are in a place where there’s a lot of finger-pointing that goes on, and it’s created an environment where people are at odds with each other. Blaming others and pointing fingers at those that we perceive to be taking from the system isn’t helpful. Actually, it makes us a hypocrite because, in many ways, we are also getting welfare.
read more40: Day 21 FB Live – War vs Diplomacy
39: Day 20 FB Live: From Not Enough Time to How Can You No
I’m in New York in the middle of tax season. I’m here for an event that I don’t really have time for, but I knew I would benefit from coming. So even though I don’t have time for it, and even though I am in the middle of tax season, I knew I had to come anyway. I could plan for it to have minimal impact, so I though “how can I not go?”. What are you saying “no” to that you would be better off taking advantage of!
read more38: Day 19 FB Live: Focus On Your Gifts.
Do you know what your gifts are? Are you leveraging them effectively? Today we are talking about gifts, and when I say gifts, I mean the things that you feel like you have a natural knack for and you excel at.
read more37: Day 18 FB Live: Just Because You Can
Have you ever questioned yourself? Do you think you should do something just because you can? That’s what we’re talking about today. There are many things we are allowed to do because they are not illegal, but does that mean it’s ok to do it?We do so many things because we can get away with it. But that doesn’t mean that it’s what is best for us. I went through one of these tough times when I was going through a divorce.
read more36: Day 17 FB Live: Reframe Misguided to Brave
Many times we do things that do not align with our greater purpose. Sometimes we are closed off to the things that would make our lives what we really want them to be. In fact, our best lives are getting sacrificed on the altar of our current lives. I'm a people...
read more35: Day 16 FB Live – Laughter
I don’t want to be so serious all the time. I had to practice laughter in order to make fun of myself and my own foibles. The best way to laugh is with friends, but you can also laugh when you are alone.
read more34: Day 15: FB Live – Audacious Ideas
It’s important for us to continue to work on the dreams that we have in our lives. Sometimes it takes awhile to get there and it seems like this particular journey has taken me awhile. I heard something yesterday that made me appreciate exactly where I am
read more33: Day 14 FB Live – The Universe Gives Us a Hand
My book group reads books that help us in our lives. Even though I am an accountant, I am also a creative person. We are currently reading a book about money and it’s about being creative with our money.
read more32: Day 13 FB Live – Play
There are 3 things that I’m sharing about play today. It’s hard to justify it as an adult and it seems like we just don’t stop working to play very often. This is one area where we have to re-frame our thinking to make a change in how we prioritize play and make it a regular part of our lives.
read more31: Day 12 FB Live – Judgment Costs
[iframe style="border:none" src="//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5494880/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/render-playlist/no/theme/custom/tdest_id/531333/custom-color/c3e357" height="100" width="480" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen...
read more30: Day 11 FB Live: The Power of Words
29: Day 10 FB Live – Re-Thinking Family
I just feel lighter! Well, let me back up and explain. Sometimes our family relationships get a little bit out of whack. We may have demands placed on us that are unreasonable, and we also may find that our expectations are constantly not being met by family members. It’s been true for me, that when I release emotional weight, my physical weight gets in balance. I think so many of us got through life with more of an “emotional weight problem” than we do a physical weight problem and those go hand in hand.
read more28: Day 9 FB Live – Story Corp App
I don’t know how many of you listen to the Story Corp podcast on NPR, but I just found out that they now had an app. So, I uploaded it and went to visit my parents. They are aging and they can’t do quite as much as they used to. So this app presented a great opportunity for me to document some of the stories of their lives in their own voices.
read more27: Day 8 FB Live – Maryland Anatomy, Karma and Money
Last year I did my will, and I had expressed my desire to be cremated. It’s a really kind thing you can do for your loved ones to put a plan in place for your departure. In the course of that process, I found out about the Maryland Anatomy Board.
read more26: Day 7 FB Live – Risk, Failure and Transformation
Risk and failure are ingredients in having a more balanced approach to living. If we are living in reality, risk and failure will be a steady visitor in your life!
read more25: Day 6 FB Live – Listening
I was vaccinated with a Victrola needle! I’ve always been very verbal and very chatty! I’ve gone through my entire life having a sense that I was never being listened to. I wasn’t feeling validated. It took me a long time to realize that this feeling was coming from me internally, and not from other people.
read more24: Day 5 FB Live – The Grit Habit
Today we are talking about the Grit habit. I love Angela Duckworth’s test to see how gritty you are! You can score from 1-5, and see where you rank on the scale.
I’ve realized over time that grit is sort of a learned behavior. I am an example of that. I have had to step up my grit over the last several years because I wanted to be happy.
read more23: Day 4 FB Live – Why Bullying is Financial
In this series of FB live posts, I’m sharing some things that are coming up with me on a day to day basis. I had an experience with my local CVS pharmacy that resembled bullying. I’ve learned from being bullied that it is not ok, and I also determine that I need to...
read more22: Day 3 FB Live Challenge – Tech Overwhelm
In this day and age, I think we all use technology way more than we ever imagined. You don’t have to do everything and you don’t have to let the technology drive you crazy! Today I wanted to give you 6 apps and tools you can use to make your life easier. Tech...
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