Would you be intrigued if I told you there is an entirely different way to talk about money?
Are you are in a constant money battle with your spouse, your kids, your parents, the bank, the IRS, the boss, your investors?
Do you feel overwhelmed, hopeless, angry or just plain confused when the subject of money comes up?
Do you work hard every day and in the end you still have more debt, more clutter and more headaches resulting from financial decisions you must make?
When you think about your budget do you dread trying to figure out how to have more (or enough certainly) in a world which seems to give back less?
Do you see others struggle and live on the edge and feel guilty for not lending a helping hand? After all, you need help too, right?
Over the years, clients, friends and family have told me stories of their mistakes and frustrations. As a Certified Public Accountant for over 35 years I’ve seen it all. It dawned on me that people ask questions and advice and then promptly ignore it. When tax time comes I literally have a tug of war with clients to obtain their financial information and even receive some of it in unopened envelopes.
Are you curious about where I’m going with this?
Well, it’s just tough to break through the “wall of finance”. We don’t understand the economy and how it affects us and our businesses. We want to know but are afraid to ask and look un-informed. The solution is to have honest and non-judgmental conversations with a financial expert who also has compassion for what you experience.
You can go from confusion to clarity by understanding a little about human behavior when it comes to financial decision making. This knowledge alters your personal journey for the better. Having a deep curiosity about people allows me to answer not just the who, what and how….but especially the “why”. The answer is “money mindset” and knowing yours stimulates your curiosity without the guilt.
So, step up and forward. Gain control of your finances and build a solid working knowledge of finance and hone your awareness –
I call it “The Art of Noticing”
Learn which of the eight money types are present and influencial in your life. In exchange, I’ll stay in touch with you and provide valuable financial information and details on upcoming coaching programs that you won’t want to miss.
I want you to thrive. Because when you thrive, we all do.
Take my Money Quiz
Go from confusion to clarity by taking the first step.

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