We begin today talking about lying. We all know that lying is wrong, and how it can lead to all sorts of problems. Have you ever stopped to think about all the harm caused by lying—both to others AND to us? There are so many negative character traits that we unknowingly cultivate when we choose to be untruthful. So, be the best YOU that you can be, and tell the truth. Let’s get to the show.
My guest today is Amy Lopez, who works with Girls on the Run in Montgomery County, Maryland. Amy works with 3rd-8th grade girls, helping build confidence in the next generation of women. GOTR has been featured in many media outlets and has garnered national exposure for its positive work with youth. As I’ve gotten to know Amy, I’ve been impressed with her positive energy, fun-loving personality, and smiles. Let me introduce you to Amy!

GOTR swag for 5K RunWalk
What you’ll hear in this episode:
- GOTR began in Charlotte, NC in 1996, but is now all over the world and in all 50 states—over ONE MILLION girls have participated!
- The focus is on building relationships
- GOTR is a physical activity based, positive youth development program, but is NOT all about running.
- Building self-esteem and confidence FIRST
- Teach girls to set goals and move forward to reach them
- Amy explains the GOTR 5K celebration event
- The emphasis is NOT on competition, but on individual progress
- The focus is on rounding the WHOLE person with strong character and positivity
- GOTR’s “5 C’s Plus One”
- GOTR emphasizes life skills and balance
- Coaching opportunities available
- Turn the “I can’t” into “I can work on this and ACHIEVE”
- Teaching girls to handle stress
- Amy shares her own struggles from her youth
- Why Amy is passionate about empowerment
- Raising a new generation of girls
- Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness
- Amy’s advice to moms of young girls:
- Find something to do together to connect
- Validate your daughter’s emotions
- Give ownership and responsibility for accomplishments
- Be the example you want them to be